2024 School Statistics Collection

Enter your 2024 School statistics here.

If you need assistance with completing the School Statistics form, please e-mail us or call 414-256-3224.

To view past statistical information from your school, find your school in the online Yearbook and select “View Statistics.”

WELS currently has a task force on the current teacher shortage. To help inform their work and assist our schools with meeting their future needs we are asking that schools to share an estimate total of full-time equivalent teachers your school expects to have called/hired in the next 4 years

Frequently Asked Questions

All fields are required. Please enter zero if needed.

Grid sections:

  • Add: Select the icon to add a new row.
  • Delete: Highlight a cell and select the trash icon.
  • Save: The red triangle in the left corner of the cell indicates that your entry is not saved. Select the  icon on the grid toolbar or the Save button on the top of this form to save your entry.
  • Cancel: The  icon will remove all unsaved entries.

Submitter information: you’ll be asked to share a name and contact e-mail for the person submitting the form. This person will receive a confirmation e-mail after submission.

Kindergarten (5K) statistics should be entered on the LES form unless you have a stand-alone early childhood ministry.  Enrollment in 4-year-old preschool program, 4K, or 4-year-old child care should be entered on the ECM form.

Your school statistics can be printed from the Welcome page by selecting the icon in the grid OR from the Print button in the upper right corner of the form.

You can print at any time during the form process:

  1. Before submission. Use the blank copy of the form to use as a worksheet.
  2. During submission.
  3. After submission.
  4. Thank You page.
  5. Confirmation e-mail.

You may also print your completed form after you’ve submitted it. Please keep a record for your files.

Care provided for school age children before and/or after school hours.

A teacher who has graduated from MLC with education degree or completed a ministry (formerly known as Synod) certification program.

Please enter Title 1 data from the previous year.

There is a help icon next to Step 1, which provides search tips. Start by entering school name as it appears in the online Yearbook, city, or Zip code. A list of schools will display. Select your school, which will then display in Step 2.

Yes, there is a Save button located in the upper right corner of the form. A green Save Successful message will display after saving.

The School Information form is located at cloud.wels.net/me and requires a school username and password to login.

Early Childhood Ministry Directors and Principals can also login with their @wels.net username and password to access the School Information form.

Additional login help is found on cloud.wels.net/me.

2023 School Statistics

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